
Tuesday 20 August 2019

Walking again - at Locko Park

 I'm determined to keep up this evening walk idea but wanting to find places nearer to home, so here we are, another sunny evening, out at Locko.

I could actually walk TO this place, but much of the route would be through houses or along roads, and not much fun. Parking just outside the gates I get a traffic-free walk along a private road, passing the lake and grazing geese, through parkland and fields.

This time we continued through to the far side of the park, to where the road (now more of a track) meets an 'A' road, maybe 3 or 4 kilometers in all.

Considering how near it is to urban development, Locko is a lovely tranquil place which feels like it's in the middle of the countryside.

As I (hopefully) get fitter I want to experiment with circular walks in the area, but for now this is enough for an evening.

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