
Wednesday 10 June 2020

Getting out of town again - a short walk at Shipley

It's been eleven weeks since I've walked anywhere other than around the local housing estate, and I'm getting concerned that I'm not taking enough exercise. There are playing fields and a wood within easy distance of home, but they've been crowded throughout lockdown and anyway I wanted to see proper open fields and countryside. 

Shipley Country Park seemed like a good place to head to - it's generally not busy, especially late in the afternoon of a dull day, and the walk follows a private road with lots of space for passing other folks, rather than the narrow footpaths that have proved a problem in our local wood.

It turned out that a lot of people had perhaps thought the same things, as the car park was busier than I've ever seen it, but there was space enough for everyone and keeping a good distance away from anyone was easy.

I was right about my lack of fitness. The road heads uphill from the car park, not steeply but generally enough to leave me out of breath before it flattens out. This time I had to stop a LOT on the way up!  My legs and lungs have totally got out of the walking habit.

Because of this, I thought it best to cut the walk shorter than usual - up the hill, then a stroll through the beech trees of Horsepool Hill and back down to the car. Even that didn't quite go to plan. The woodland paths were a little slippery, and cautiously making my way downhill I managed to twist a knee, so now I'm intermittently hobbling.

It was good to get out though - to see miles across fields, to walk under trees, and to spot wildflowers growing -especially as this month I'm following the Wildlife Trusts' 30 Days Wild challenge.  As soon as my knee recovers then I'll be off out somewhere again. Life is maybe gradually returning to normal, and I'm more enthusiastic about walking in the countryside than heading to the shops.

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