If in doubt, or harassed about getting things done, I make a plan. It calms me, and gives me the feeling that I'm in control (even when I'm not). I'm hoping it will give some structure to my days, and positive things to look forward to, whether fresh vegetables or a new skirt. I'm trying my best to ignore the fidgety feeling that comes on when I realise this state of affairs is going to last for at least three months, that I won't be able to see my daughters and grandson in that time, or pick up the plans I had for summer. Mindfulness and concentrating on everyday things will be my way through this - small things such as bringing flowers and blossom in from the garden to brighten the house, and looking forward to family video chats most evenings.
A (not necessarily so cunning) plan to occupy me ...
continue my blogging here (if I have anything much to say) Usually I blog about where I've been, what I've seen, gigs, theatre etc. Well, that will inevitably have to change. It won't quite be Pepys' Diary, but ordering my thoughts to make a sensible blog post helps calm some of the panic I feel from time to time. The next few months are going to seem incredibly long
get back to book blogging over at Our Book Reviews Online. My head's been too full of other concerns to read much, and definitely too full to think of anything to say about what I've read, but trying to get back to regularly posting reviews will give a structure to the weeks.
(one for my husband) the house had been getting to need some TLC, wallpaper repairs, woodwork painting, so the wallpaper paste and paint are ready for wet days.
I have knitting and sewing projects I've neglected, and one of my resolutions at the beginning of the year was to do something more creative. A lot of plans will have to be abandoned but that is one that needn't be.
Of course, we're not completely locked in the house (yet). Going out for a walk is considered a reasonably safe activity if you avoid other people, and at the moment my husband is still going to his allotment - if everyone stays on their own plot all should be fine, just no stopping for a chat. I'd hoped to go out to local National Trust gardens but the huge amount of visitors over the weekend, and subsequent closing of all properties, has put paid to that. I'm still hoping to find somewhere close to home, to drive to, park up, and check the coast is clear before risking a short walk, or just look at a different view for a few minutes.
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