
Tuesday 23 February 2021

Jottings - 21st February - Spring is in the air

 After last week's freezing temperatures, Spring has arrived with a bound. Or, at least, in comparison it seems that way. 

In the garden, the snowdrops are now fully in flower, and the crocus trying to catch up

My first pot of daffodil bulbs has died back but a second had buds showing, so I brought it inside and within days had bright cheery flowers on the kitchen windowsill.  There's nothing quite like a splash of yellow to liven up the last weeks of winter.

Being able to get out and about doing useful things in the garden is such a help when I can't go anywhere else, so with it being so much milder this week so I've been busy in the garden. I tidied last year's dead growth up so the snowdrops can be seen, and started to sow seeds; some rather late sweet peas (they can be set in November) but hopefully they'll catch up, plus mizuna for spring salads, and cauliflowers and leeks to be grown on down at the allotment. I should be setting tomatoes and chillies now but I don't want to have windowsills filled with plants that can't go outside because of late frosts, so they can wait a little while.

This, plus the hope of news of lockdown easing, has made this a brighter week. Maybe it's just the lengthening days but there seems to be an air of hopefulness around. 

My husband's birthday fell towards the end of the week, and we decided to try an online escape room game with the rest of the family. It was puzzling and perplexing, but between us we managed to 'escape' in just under the hour it was expected to take. I rather wish I'd discovered these games earlier, but it proves my theory that even in lockdown there are opportunities for trying new things.

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