Summer seems to have flown by, and here we are in September. Meteorologically at least, it's autumn, and it's been a suitably dull, dismal couple of days to start the month. I'm hoping, as always, that there's still some sun to be had among the mists and mellow fruitfulness, but whatever the weather this for me is always a month to knuckle down and get things done.
Maybe it's a hang over from long forgotten schooldays but July and August feel to me like months for lazing in the sun (if there is any); September is back to work time. A time for rolling one's sleeves up and getting down to doing things - finishing off uncompleted projects, planning new ones, and maybe making a resolution or two (maybe if I start now I could lose a couple of pounds before Christmas). First though it's time to finish those summer crafting projects that are lingering around - a pair of flowery trousers (not really suitable for winter months) and a knitted cotton jumper (might still have use if autumn's nice weather-wise). And then there's the allotment's bounty to organise and store. August has been a month of plenty - courgettes, and runner and french beans have cropped well, and the freezer is starting to groan. Now it's the turn of tomatoes, blackberries and pumpkins. Soon apples will be ready to harvest. Autumn will be a busy time of pickling, freezing and making jams and chutneys.In previous years I've thought about heading to autumn festivals but I've been slow to commit and found events sold out. So these plans are on hold till next year ... I have just booked a holiday for mid-month, and I'm hoping for another couple of short breaks if the weather stays good.
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