
Wednesday 19 June 2024

Family Weekend


We marked the end of one month, and the beginning of the next, with a big family weekend away in Wales celebrating my youngest daughter's birthday. She found us the loveliest of AirBnBs, with plenty of en suite rooms for us all, stylishly decorated, with a huge garden and an 8 acre wood to explore - and not far from the beach at Prestatyn.

The sun shone, we played frisbee and boules on the lawn during the day, board games at night, found dragons hiding in the wood, and bounced on the trampoline ( or at least the younger folks did).

We were so busy chilling and having fun that we almost forgot to go to the seaside! We did eventually rouse ourselves and venture there but in comparison to the sheltered garden it seemed blustery and the waves not appealing for more than a cautious paddle. 

The whole weekend proved so enjoyable that we're planning to repeat it, but with the right property I don't think we need to travel so far another time.

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