
Wednesday 19 June 2024

Family Weekend


We marked the end of one month, and the beginning of the next, with a big family weekend away in Wales celebrating my youngest daughter's birthday. She found us the loveliest of AirBnBs, with plenty of en suite rooms for us all, stylishly decorated, with a huge garden and an 8 acre wood to explore - and not far from the beach at Prestatyn.

The sun shone, we played frisbee and boules on the lawn during the day, board games at night, found dragons hiding in the wood, and bounced on the trampoline ( or at least the younger folks did).

We were so busy chilling and having fun that we almost forgot to go to the seaside! We did eventually rouse ourselves and venture there but in comparison to the sheltered garden it seemed blustery and the waves not appealing for more than a cautious paddle. 

The whole weekend proved so enjoyable that we're planning to repeat it, but with the right property I don't think we need to travel so far another time.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Wisteria again - Coughton Court

Coming back from our stay in Tintern, we stumbled accidentally on Coughton Court, a National trust property in Warwickshire with a wonderful display of wisteria. 

We'd decided it would be better to avoid the motorways as much as possible and to travel home via the A roads through Evesham and Alcester. Unfortunately on a Friday afternoon these roads seem to be just as busy, so imagine my relief when I spotted signs for Coughton Court. Now, I love a National Trust property for a break in a journey but I hadn't actually realised we would be passing anywhere near, let alone past the entrance, so this was a real delight. We were close to closing time but ten minutes wandering round the gardens would be better than ten minutes in a queue of traffic, and with luck the traffic congestion would have eased when we got back on the road.

I've been before but didn't remember the gardens at all - and they are wonderful. A walled garden is always something special - you open a door in a wall and who knows what may be behind? - but Coughton's is something extra special; a garden straight out of a fairy tale.

It's sub-divided into several garden 'rooms' with paths leading between herbaceous borders, roses and vines clamber over arches and tunnels, and just visible at the end of the walk is a wisteria.

Turning the corner I found four wonderful wisterias  Mostly I've seen wisteria growing along walls but these were free-standing like laburnums and oh so beautiful.

With pale flowers in the surrounding beds, this has to be the dreamiest garden ever. 

Elsewhere wisteria grows in a more traditional manner against walls but somehow isn't as magical as the free-standing trees.

Elsewhere in the grounds there are ponds, a lake, and two churches but we didn't have time to explore further. This is definitely a place I'll be back to. It's not far from home - possibly within the reach of a day trip - and the few roses that were starting to flower promised a wonderful display. 


Monday 10 June 2024

Goodrich Castle

Our way home from Tintern took us north up the Wye Valley to Goodrich and its castle - an excellent place for a wander round and lunch.

The square keep was built mid 12th century but most of what remains dates from roughly a century later. Despite its position overlooking an important crossing place of the river Wye, Goodrich was a relatively peaceful place till the Civil War when the Royalist forces inside were besieged by Parliamentarians. After a ferocious siege the Royalists surrendered in July 1646, and the castle 'slighted' (made indefensible by removal of battlements and damage to the main entrance)

Today you can walk over the bridge which spans the moat, examine the portcullis slots and arrow slits of the entrance in peace. 

There are steps to climb to the top of the towers to get a good view of the countryside around.

I didn't risk these twisty, turn-y stairs but took a more straightforward set at the opposite end of the castle which ultimately led, via the remains of the wall walk on the right hand edge of the photo below, to the same place.

Exploring the corridors set into walls is always atmospheric; maybe a little spooky at times, but not on a bright sunny day.

It's possible to go to the top of the Keep but I decided against that, feeling that the stairs I'd walked up offered the better return on energy expended. 

Goodrich is certainly a brilliant place to explore, whatever your age, and the cafe is a great place for lunch :)


Thursday 6 June 2024

Wye Valley Sculpture Garden

Freya by Emma Kemp

One of the perks of staying in  Lichen cabin was entry to the Wye Valley Sculpture Garden, even though it wasn't officially open at the time. Gemma Kate Wood has her studio here and is the organiser of an annual exhibition in the grounds.

Situated high on the hillside, the garden itself is worth a visit with stunning views over the valley, and ponds to sit by in quiet contemplation. 
detail of Standing Peacock by Hayley Jones

The sculptures are constructed from a wide range of materials - metal, wood and glass perhaps being the favourites. Some are representational, others abstract, all beautiful in their own way.

In prominent view or situated in a quiet half-hidden nook, the art works bring an extra 'something' to the garden. 

I haven't posted all of my photos as being taken on a phone they aren't brilliant representations of the sculptures but more importantly I feel this is a place you need to go and experience for yourself.

More details - of opening hours, charges and featured artists - can be found online here 
 I was so lucky to catch the setting up of the exhibition but another time I might time my visit to the cabin for it being fully open.