
Wednesday 29 May 2024

Hanbury Hall - a brief visit

It's a long while since I've been to Hanbury Hall. Situated near Droitwich, not far from the M5, it's  a convenient place in my opinion to break a dull journey and see something other than tarmac and traffic for a while. We used to stop here frequently, on our way to South Wales or further on to Cornwall, but we haven't been this direction recently. A few weeks ago we were heading down towards Chepstow and Hanbury had to be a port of call on the way.

We'd already stopped (twice) on our way down the M42, but I still wanted to take what I consider to be a proper break from our travels. A walk among the tranquil gardens was much appreciated, even with drizzle turning to rain.

It's a calming place - an excellent antidote to the bustle of motorways - though we didn't have time to walk far beyond the main gardens near the house.

There was though time for a little something in the cafe just before closing time.

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