
Monday 8 March 2021

Jottings - March 7th - a lazy week

 I don't seem to have done or thought much this week because, having had the Covid jab, I was left exhausted. 

It was very strange having am event marked in my diary - somewhere that I had to be at a certain time - and stranger still to see so many people! As I've been relying on 'click and collect' so not going into supermarkets, I think this was the greatest number of people I've seen since the beginning of lockdown. There were people around was I was out walking last summer, sometimes they felt like too many, but even then they weren't all heading into the same building. 

Up and down the country various venues are being used as vaccination centres, and here n Derby the cycling arena has been taken over, with hundreds of people funneling through each day. It didn't take long at all, and I think the fifteen minutes wait afterwards, in case of immediate side-effects, was longer than the whole queuing process. I didn't get a sticker or a lollipop though.

Four family members have now had the jab, and none of us has reacted in the same way. I didn't have aches and pains, or even the headache reported by some people, but for three days afterwards I was sluggish and lethargic. For several days I ended up taking an afternoon nap! It's better than catching the virus though.

At the end of this doing-nothing week, I had another engagement - an online escape room with family. This was harder than the last we played but great fun. Somehow while playing these games it seems like we're all together - more so than on one of our regular video calls. During the evening my eldest daughter asked if and when we'd be ready for some toddler-minding. Obviously we need to wait for restrictions to lift a little more, and for this initial jab to take affect, but I'm more concerned that I've become used to a quiet life, without a tumult that a toddler brings. I suspect that ten minutes of running round might exhaust me more than the jab did.

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