
Thursday, 27 February 2025

Snowdrop adventures - Hopton Hall

Continuing sunny weather tempted me out again, this time to one of my favourite snowdrop places - Hopton Hall, near Wirksworth.

The snowdrop walk opened at the beginning of February but by waiting till later in the month to visit I think we caught the display at its best.

The walk is laid out to take in as many snowdrops as possible and leads through woodland alongside the drive, then behind the hall to the rose garden (sleeping now but still beautiful with its topiary and dwarf hedges), down to the ponds and back in front of the hall.

 For now the garden is only open for a couple more days. After that you have to wait till the roses flower in July.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Snowdrop adventures - Shipley Country Park

After the beginning of the month February turned cold and damp, so it was a couple of weeks before I went out on another snowdrop adventure.

Eventually though we got to Shipley Country Park.

The snowdrops weren't quite as advanced as I'd hoped due to the chilly weather, but still a welcome sign of Spring on the way 


Thursday, 20 February 2025

Snowdrop adventures - Markeaton Park

Continuing nice weather at the beginning of February tempted me out again in search of snowdrops, so one sunny afternoon we headed to Markeaton Park in Derby.

I wasn't sure there'd be snowdrops but it's a pleasant place for a walk that I often overlook. 

Following the 'dog-walk' route around the playpark area, takes you through a wilder section with a weir, trees, and, yes!, snowdrops. Only a few small clumps, a little overgrown, but still snowdrops.

Then, past the pond where the ducks, geese and seagulls had gathered in search of food, and on to the grassed areas beyond the Orangery cafe 

Snowdrops! Again, small clumps scattered through the grass but such a welcome sight at the end of winter.

Continuing in a vaguely clockwise manner, we came to the sensory garden where I'd expected to find lots of snowdrops. There were some but not as many as expected though there were several hellebores and a clump of daffodils.

The herbaceous borders along the old driveway leading from Markeaton village into the park where mainly still in their dormant winter stage but some shrubs already had colourful blossom.

Completing the circle we ended back at the duck pond - quieter now, as all the food had been eaten - then round the play park, catching the sunset over the boating lake, and back to the car.


Monday, 17 February 2025

Snowdrop adventures - Kedleston

The weather at the beginning of February continued mild and occasionally sunny so I thought I'd take the opportunity for another snowdrop adventure. 
This time we headed to Kedleston Hall pleasure grounds where there's a huge bank of snowdrops at the western end of the gardens and others scattered around. They weren't in full flower but still looking better than my garden snowdrops which are always very late. 

The mild weather had also encouraged the first flowers to appear on this rhododendron. It's such a lovely sight this early in the year that I'm surprised it's not positioned more prominently. As it is you need to leave the paths to see it.

The surrounding parkland still looked bleak and wintry but the sun was warm enough for me to sit a little while by the summer house and take in the view.

Heading from the pleasure grounds towards the church, we came across another clump of snowdrops, not quite as far open yet but will look delightful in a couple of weeks.


Tuesday, 11 February 2025

January '25

January's a funny sort of month. It starts in that dull flat spot after the excitement of Christmas and New Year's Eve, and ends with the hope of Spring just around the corner. Maybe this is why it seems so long.

For me, it's a month to stay home, warm and dry, and do something quiet.

Children though are still on Christmas holiday for a short while, so, having my grandson to stay, we took him to Sudbury Hall to catch their Cinderella-themed decorations.

Then, as snow fell and icy temperatures took hold, it was time to stay inside and do my Christmas jigsaw puzzle.

Fortunately, things had improved by the middle of the month, when my younger daughter came down from Manchester for a flying visit before she went on holiday. It was still damp though so we mainly spent the weekend playing board games.

To help get through this dull, slow time, I'm trying to find small joys every day - a cheap bunch of supermarket daffodils, a stunning sunset, some new bright clothes. It's something I'm hoping to keep up even as the days get longer and brighter, because I feel taking note of the good things around us is important.

At last the sun came out and the temperatures rose enough to tempt me out to Calke Abbey, on the first of hopefully many snowdrop adventures. I love spotting these delicate early flowers which mark, if not the beginning of Spring, then the end of Winter at least.