
Friday 13 September 2024

Carsington Water

We're a long way from the sea here in Derbyshire but we've got our own alternative - Severn Trent's Carsington Water reservoir.

There are yachts bobbing at anchor, swans and other waterfowl swimming around, sometimes a windsurfer or two; it could be a quiet day by the coast

This time we parked at the visitor centre, and walked out to Stones 'Island' which is dominated by the Standing stones artwork, looking like a pre-historic stone circle or the ruins of a long-gone civilisation.

Several of the stones have holes pierced through them for looking at the surrounding water but trees have grown around the site and not many of them have a view these days. 

 Along this short walk there are puzzles relating to the work of Severn Trent - such as getting water (represented by a ball) through the pipes without getting snagged in debris; they're intended to be educational but they can be played just for fun.

All in all a pleasant evening stroll in the sunshine.

Monday 9 September 2024


A couple of weeks ago I headed over to Darley Park to see the hydrangea garden which is looking fabulous this year.

In hot, dry summers hydrangeas can look a little worse for wear, but they've obviously loved the rain we've had this year; the plants look so lush and green, and their flowers exuberant.

There seems to have been a little change in the overall planting scheme since my last visit, now grouping by colour and shape, and giving emphasis to the peniculata varieties.

This comparatively small space, a walled garden tucked away where you might easily miss it, is the home to the National Collection of hydrangeas so every shape and colour is there.

 The sun came out, the day warmed up, and it was a delightful afternoon.

Sunday 1 September 2024


 I've been slow posting my outings and activities for July, so later than ever with my monthly round-up post - and here it is September already!

The end of June/beginning of July was hot. Too hot for me, so I stayed inside and did jigsaws. 

Cooler weather tempted me out back to Calke, then away to north Norfolk for a few days, to Hopton rose garden and Middleton Top.

Hopton rose garden

Calke kitchen garden

At home, I tried the '30 vegetables in a week' challenge, helped by vegetables fresh from the allotment. Maybe not quite as successful as I'd hoped but something to attempt again in another season.