The good weather continued and although I didn't go 'out out' I spent most mornings walking around the local park or to the shops/post office admiring autumn foliage and kicking up fallen leaves. I'm trying to get my average daily steps up to 4000 but I'm beginning to feel I've left things a little too late in the year. Still my efforts this month raised it to over 3500 so maybe there's hope ...
On a less personal note, the last UK coal-fired power station closed. It was situated at Ratcliffe on Soar and made a notable landmark when travelling along the A453 to my elder daughter's. Apparently it will take years to de-commission and eventually clear the site but when that time comes the area will be totally different.
At home in the garden the leaves changed and fell but Spring also started to appear with the winter jasmine coming into flower, hopefully to keep brightening its corner throughout winter.